
Tag: ‘rhodesian ridgeback’

Premium Albums: The Leather Cover

Thursday, March 29th, 2012

Ahhhh, we’re here. This post reveals the last Premium Album that I offer, from one more totally separate album provider. This is the album I’ve been most excited about all along, for two reasons. First of all, it’s leather, and leather is always what I’ve envisioned as being a huge characteristic of a top-of-the-line photography album. I suppose I have a soft spot for it. Secondly, this album features my favorite dog in the world: my girl Bailey.


The box it comes in is leather, and has a small magnetic closure.

A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


Oh. Oh yes. Take in that leather.

A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


And the imprinting of Bailey’s name on the cover…

A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


I hope you can see the texture of the leather. It’s top-of-the-line, and I could tell you the technical qualifications a quality guarantees surrounding it… but suffice to say, it’s NICE. And not just “nice”… I mean NICE.

A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


The pages have a substrate in-between them that’s actually a different color than the prints. I think it gives the album’s side view a really distinctive look!

A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


A black spread to start…

A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


With my embossed logo on the inside cover!

A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


Could these pages be any flatter? They’re so flat they’re bending back with the cover! I love that they lay directly against it like that.

A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


Sigh. I know I’m a nerd for swooning over an album… but that’s okay with me.

A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


Oh hey Bailey! Here’s an example of a spread – you can see that there’s a seam in the middle (not really a gutter, per se) but it’s so thin that in the 24-inch span of this book (it measures 12×12 when closed) I think it hardly makes any difference in the overall layout.

A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


A closer look at the pages…

A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


More leather texture. Man I wish you could feel this through your screen…

A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


I know these photos haven’t done this album (or the photo-cover one, or the silk one) justice. But I hope you can see a small part of why I’ve been so, so excited for a very long time to introduce these products. They are at the very top of the line, the best of the best in the photography industry, and I couldn’t be more thrilled to offer them to my clients!

Thanks for taking a look!

Beach Session: Mercedes the Rhodesian Ridgeback and Jaguar the Greyhound

Thursday, March 15th, 2012

Sometimes I come across a spectacularly well-named dog, and I just love it when the name I keep calling during their session (usually with little effect, haha) is funny or has a great meaning behind it. This session may have been my all-time favorite: I had the privilege of photographing Mercedes and Jaguar! Both dogs are six years old: Jaguar is a retired greyhound and Mercedes is a Rhodesian ridgeback.


I was extra-excited for this session for another reason: my dog Bailey is part Rhodesian ridgeback (we think!). So it was fascinating to see the purebred version of my mutt, and honestly, I think they have a lot in common personality-wise! They’re both a bit stubborn and don’t have that eager-to-please attitude of, say, a golden retriever. But my gosh, when they run around free of a leash, I’ve hardly seen a dog smile bigger. Mercedes had a huge grin on her face! For now, enjoy these pictures while I keep working on the rest…


A greyhound and a Rhodesian ridgeback on the beach.


A greyhound and a Rhodesian ridgeback on the beach.


A greyhound and a Rhodesian ridgeback on the beach, silhouettes in black and white.


Thanks for a great afternoon at the beach, Cheryl!



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