
Tag: ‘Florida’

A Chocolate Lab’s First Trip to the Beach

Saturday, March 30th, 2013

Bella is visiting from Missouri, and she had a great first-ever day at the beach! She spent most of the time chasing a new favorite stick, but what I was most impressed by was how she stuck by her parents the whole time. Not many ten-month-old dogs (much less energetic labradors!) have that strong of an attachment already… so I think it’s safe to say that life in Missouri (although beach-less) is very happy for this young pup.


Isn’t she beautiful?

chocolate_lab_beach_1 chocolate_lab_beach_2

She even went in the water to get her stick! So brave! She even got submerged by a big wave at one point, but it hardly even fazed her! (it was actually quite funny for the rest of us…)


Bella, it was so much fun to meet you & your family! Enjoy the rest of your time in Pensacola, and I hope you get to come visit the beach again soon!


Dog Photography: Two Senior Dachshunds, Daphne & Agnes

Sunday, March 3rd, 2013

I have the pleasure of introducing you to the cutest, littlest grey-faced dogs I’ve met in a long time! This is Agnes and Daphne, and I’m honored that they (and their mom) came all the way from Panama City to have their session! They kept us laughing throughout their session – and whether it was Agnes’ little bow-legs or Daphne’s desire – no, NEED – to investigate the intriguing back room of my studio… I just adore these dogs.


This is Agnes! She was adopted not too long ago, and her mom adjusted her given name from Aggie (couldn’t have that, as an Alabama fan!) to Agnes.




And this is Daphne, who holds a very special place in her mom’s heart – and on her foot! How cool is her tattooed paw print?!



They make an adorable pair, don’t you think?




And finally, an early favorite of mine after giving all the photos a once-over. What lovely emotion in this photo. Session with dogs (especially doxies!) don’t always go as planned… especially when we visit public parks with squirrels and all sorts of interesting distractions… so it’s a good thing my clients are great at rolling with the punches!


Thanks for an absolutely fabulous afternoon, Stacy! Can’t wait to see you all again (very) soon!


A Boxer on the Beach: Jamocha

Wednesday, February 20th, 2013

This happened to be a session that we had to postpone twice, unfortunately – sometimes the weather is just NOT on my side! But Pensacola was pretty foggy in the morning last week, so I promised Jamocha’s parents that waiting for a clear day would be worth the wait… and boy, was it worth it! We simply couldn’t have asked for a more gorgeous morning! You might already be familiar with this sweet boxer girl if you follow the Facebook page, but if not, let me introduce you!

 Her name is Jamocha May, after the delicious Arby’s drink! How cute is that? She’s a gorgeous & energetic young boxer.

A boxer dog runs along beautiful Pensacola Beach, and a close-up of her eye.


Don’t let her great posing skills fool you – it was actually a bit tricky to get Jamocha to lay or sit anywhere on the beach, since she appeared to be scared of the washed-up, dried seaweed laying around! Haha – she practically danced around it for our whole session! What a goofball.

A boxer and her two young parents relax on Pensacola beach.


Joy & Matt, thank you so much for being so patient! I can’t wait to get together again – especially because this time the weather won’t matter! Yay! :)

Ft. Walton Beach Min Pin & Chihuahua Photography: Frankie, Lilli & Emmie

Monday, February 11th, 2013

This was my first session with out-of-town visitors in 2013! I love the excitement of doing sessions with people visiting for only a brief time; either they come to town primarily for their session or are fitting it in with all their other vacation plans, and either way, it’s a bit of a whirlwind! But even though so much of what I do revolves around the pets & owners living nearby (visiting them before the session to meet their dogs, showing clients their photos in person, etc.) I’m more than happy to make sure my out-of-town clients still get the great experience that all my clients are accustomed to. And this Saturday was no exception! My clients actually used to live in Ft. Walton Beach, so we headed to a couple of pretty places that were special to them. I’m so excited about this session – I have a feeling their gallery is going to be huge! For now, here are just a few photos of their adorable little pack.


This is Emmie, a chihuahua-min pin mix. She’s the baby of the family – literally!

A miniature pinscher-chihuahua mix looks up at the camera from her owner's arms,


… and here are Emmie’s parents! Frankie is the chihuahua on the left and Lilli is the min pin on the right. I love how Emmie looks like mom, but got just a bit of dad’s soft peachy coloring!

A chihuahua and a miniature pinscher dog look up at the camera from being in their owner's arms.


Here are all three pups – in a rare moment when no one was running/jumping/exploring! :)

A miniature pinscher, a chihuahua, and their baby mix sit on a beach boardwalk.


Kassandra & Lyle, thank you so much for a wonderful afternoon! I’ll be in touch soon with your gallery info!

Personal: We Heard the Decision!

Friday, February 8th, 2013

This was a big week – a very, very big week! For those of you that read the blog post that I wrote last year called Everyone Has a Plan Until They Get Punched In the Face, it detailed a few events in my personal life… let me summarize & bring you up to speed!


(I think the best way to do this is a list, otherwise I’ll get carried away and write paragraph after paragraph) (if you really don’t have time to read it all, the most important point is #5 on the second numbered list, near the bottom of the post)


  1. First on the timeline: my husband Ken goes through Naval flight school for helicopters and gets winged! Yay! He’s officially a pilot! (September 2011)
  2. Around this time, though, the Navy discovers that he has a genetic eye condition. He’s grounded and told to wait, his career effectively paused, until the doctors can give him a waiver for it.
  3. He is officially denied a waiver. He can no longer fly for the Navy.  … Now what? (April 2012) Blog post about a pet photographer announcing a relocation across the country.
  4. Ken starts Aviation Maintenance training, and goes to work at Eglin AFB as a maintainer. It’s a job that keeps him in the aviation field, which is good, but it’s not as technical as he was hoping, which is not good. He’s an engineer at heart. Oh yeah, I married a nerd!
  5. Around this time, Ken hears of a Naval helicopter drone program. It’s brand spanking new, which means they aren’t assigning any active duty pilots to it, just reservists – but this is something that Ken would actually be able to do. Hmmm…
  6. A board meets (November 2012) to decide whether Ken should permanently work in aviation maintenance. They say no, and they also don’t put him anywhere else, so he’s back at square one with no permanent job. This is another big surprise… but since Ken isn’t in love with maintenance, maybe it means it’s time to go in a new direction?
  7. Around Christmastime, Ken puts together a “package” (it’s like an extended resume) for another board of senior officials, which will decide whether to keep him in the Navy or let him out. The career options for staying in the Navy are a bit bleak; they don’t align with his strengths and none seem like something he’d have a passion for. So Ken’s package asks for the board to release him from active duty, so that he can enter the reserves and get involved with the helicopter drone program.
  8. About three weeks pass by while we can barely breathe with anticipation. This board’s decision will literally determine our future.
  9. Ken gets the call… they let him go reserves!  :) 
  10. Aaaand, here we are today. Ken is busily submitting resumes to aerospace/engineering companies, I’m wondering how I’m actually going to move this business, we’re weighing the options of where to live, and we’re overwhelmingly happy!


Blog post about a great pet photographer moving across the country.


There you go – the briefest possible version of the last year and a half of our lives. It’s been seventeen months of limbo, of waiting for faceless boards of strangers to make decisions that will fundamentally change our lives. And truthfully, it’s a bit odd to hear the news we actually wanted! I planned to be a Navy wife for 10 or 20 years… but it just so happens that my husband’s career won’t be in the military anymore.  This still has yet to sink in, honestly.


I could go into much more detail, but for now, we’re not dwelling on the past – instead we’re excitedly planning the future! But you’re probably reading this blog because you’re a past/potential client of Allison Shamrell Photography, so let me answer a few questions for you:


  1. We will, most likely, move away from the Pensacola area. There just aren’t that many civilian opportunities for his unique skill set here. The majority of aerospace engineering companies are in southern California (especially San Diego), and the reserves helicopter drone program is there too. So that’s the place Ken’s focusing his career search – but we’re open to any city with the right job for him that would also have room for a pet photographer! :)
  2. I will be so, so sad to move. I don’t want to think about it right now… I’ll get emotional.
  3. We’ll probably move in May, or thereabouts; 3-4 months from now.
  4. Yes I’m terrified to move!
  5. I’ll be accepting a very limited number of clients between then and now, because my time will likely be divided between photographing pooches, proofreading resumes and cover letters, house hunting, and all the millions of other things you have to do when you move across the country. So (needless to say) if you’d like a session before I pack up & leave, get in touch!

  6. I will not delete any photos I’ve taken during my time here; past clients can ALWAYS reach out to me for their images, no matter where I live.


I hope Bailey’s ready for this! I think she looks ready. :)

Blog post about a fine art pet photographer moving her business.


It’s far too early to start saying thank-yous and goodbyes, so I’ll just say this: cheers to the future! :)  Thanks for reading, and hopefully I’ll have more exciting updates soon!



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